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温度: 5 - 30 C

濕度: 40 - 60 % 

光線: 充足柔和的陽光 (夏天避免太陽直照)

空氣: 通風良好 

​澆水: 視乎種植環境的通風程度,約 1 - 2 週一次,多肉愛乾燥,根部不可積水。

要施肥嗎? 可每年施 1 - 2 次輕量的覆合肥 


注意 : 多肉有無數不同品種,有些會冬眠、有些則夏眠,

好好"做功課" 認識她們的需要,照顧自然更得心應手。


Care of Succulent plants

Temperature: 5 - 30 C ​

Humidity: 40 - 60 %  ​

Light: Bright gentle sunlight (avoid summer direct bright sunlight) ​

Air: Well-ventilated ​

Watering: Every 1 - 2 weeks or longer, depending on the ventilation & humidity of the planting environment, . Succulents prefers dry environment and the roots should not be accumulated with water.
After the eco-sponge becomes light and dry, you can water it until the water evenly penetrates. Please pour out the excess water.


Fertilizers ? Add light fertilizers once or twice per year


Note: Succulents come in countless variety, some of them become dormant in Winter and/or Summer. Watering is not quite necessary during dormant period (do we eat / drink while sleeping?)
To give the wise TLCs to your lovely plants. The best way is to identify the species, and do your "homework" to understand their needs and preferences.  Enjoy!

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