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温度: 15 - 30 C

濕度 : 40 - 75 % 

光線: 散射光 / 忌爆曬 (室內燈光也可)

空氣: 良好通風 

​澆水: 摸摸無土棉表面,如感覺乾就可澆水 (水量約花器的 1/6 - 1/5);
森樹喜歡温暖潮濕的環境,乾燥季節/ 環境下,可每天噴水到葉面,及增加淋水次數


​(小提示: 將手指輕壓在無土棉表面兩秒,如有水跡,代表足夠濕潤,不用淋水。​寧乾莫過濕。)

​要施肥嗎? 每 1 - 2 月可施 1 次綜合液肥 (冬天除外)

(注: 若你購買的植物是使用布藝花器,建議避免陽光照射,

Care of Ming Tree

Temperature: 15 - 30 C ​


Humidity: 40 - 75 is preferred ​


Light: Bright & scattered light, avoid harsh direct sunlight


Air: Well-ventilated ​

Watering: When the top surface eco-sponge becomes dry, water it for about 1/6 to 1/5 volume of the pot.  When the environment is dry, you may water spray the leaves every day, and increase the frequency of watering (Avoid water accumulation in the bottom, please pour out any excess water)


Tip: How can we tell if eco-sponge is still moist? (If we press a finger on top for 2 seconds, we see water marks on our finger; this means it is moist enough and no watering is needed yet) ​


Fertilizers ? Apply balanced fertilizer every 1 - 2 months. (Except Winter)

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