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HOME: 產品滑桿
温度: 15 - 28 C
濕度 : 60 - 70 或以上為佳
光線: 明亮散射光 / 柔和陽光
空氣: 通風良好
澆水: 喜歡微微濕潤,摸摸水苔,如感覺微乾就要澆水 (水量約花器的 1/3)
要施肥嗎? 春秋較涼快時,可每 2-3 週薄薄施 1 次的綜合液肥
最喜愛: 可隔天葉面噴水,保持濕度 (花兒不用噴喔 !)
Temperature: 15 - 28 C
Humidity: 70 or above is preferred
Light: Bright & scattered light
Air: Well-ventilated
Watering: When the pot becomes light and surface dry, water it for about 1/3 volume of the pot.
Fertilizers ? Best in Spring and Autumn when the weather is not too cold or hot. When fertilize, apply lightly every 2-3 weeks.
Her Favorite: Spray water on the leaves every other day to maintain humidity
(this makes the her a happy plant!)
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