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HOME: 產品滑桿
温度: 21 - 32 C
濕度 : 50 % 以上為佳
光線: 散射光、耐陰
空氣: 通風良好
澆水: 濕度適中,保持水苔/無土棉中等濕潤的狀態為佳 (底部不要積水喔 !)
要施肥嗎? 每年可週施 1-2 次覆合肥
Temperature: 21 - 32 C
Humidity: around 50 %
Light: prefer scattered light (she is also shade-tolerate)
Air: Well ventilated
Watering: She prefers slightly moist. You may keep the potting medium moderately moist (don’t let water accumulate at the bottom!)
Fertilizers ? Fertilize 1 - 2 times per year with compound fertilizers.
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